Want to order extra prints from the 2024 TJJJL season?
We are super excited to announce a new partnership with Jackson Ford.
Jackson Ford is a family-owned local business that has been serving Devonport for nearly three decades.
We believe that this partnership will be great for our club, and we are excited to work alongside this amazing dealership to provide invaluable support to enhance our club’s performance, outreach and overall success.
Shop local. Support the local businesses that support our great club.
Need a new car, visit Jackson Ford on Don Road Devonport and tell them the Devonport Warriors sent you.

Our Club

Devonport Warriors is the biggest club in the North West Basketball Union and one of the largest in Tasmania.

We are a professionally managed and operated club and conduct a number of domestic competitions for all ages and both genders. 
We have great coach education and support with an active Coach Group network.  We have a large number of wonderful volunteers and supporters and have long established business partner networks.
Our club has a Board of Management and competition and teams operations are managed by our commission structure.

We welcome new members, new partners, new supporters and new volunteers!

Check out Warrior player Ruby Gray featuring her ball skills on Sunrise!
Devonport Basketball Council Inc. is committed to ensuring the safety, wellbeing and cultural security of all children and young people who are involved in our club. We work to ensure all children feel happy, safe and empowered, and uphold their rights to always be safe.


Business Partners

Player Sponsors